It's great to see TV commercials for simple web hosting that's suitable for small businesses - such as 1&1 MyWebsite.
I'm not affiliated with them, and can't vouch for their service, but the ad seems straightforward enough - template-based sites, separated into different industry areas, that you can fill with your own logo and text.
But hang on - any decent blogging platform will offer you templates to choose from. Aside from a few technical points, how your site looks has little bearing on its ranking in search results.
So if you're going with a self-managed website service like 1&1 MyWebsite, consider spending a few quid on professional copy to plug into the template of your choice.
How it helps
By investing in professional copy for a 1&1 MyWebsite, you combine their design and layout expertise with the flexibility and wealth of experience that a career freelance copywriter can offer.
In my case, that includes an all-angles understanding of grammar, an active and ongoing interest in consumer psychology and, particularly important for competitive sectors, the knowledge of search engine optimisation that comes from more than a decade of running my own websites.
What's more, if you're willing to trust me with your login details, I can edit your site directly, making it a hands-free process for you.
Freelancers are flexible by nature - you can expect to take total control of the copyright of your content, as far as the law permits, while I (and others like me) am more than happy to put any sign-off or double-check procedures in place to make sure nothing goes public that you are unhappy with.
What do I need to do?
If you're thinking of creating a 1&1 MyWebsite, drop me a line and I'd be happy to talk through the options.
Basically, if you have some draft content and just need it whipping into shape, I can do that. If you have copy that simply needs proofreading, I can do that too.
If you have no clue what direction to take, and need something putting together from scratch, I can devise a tone of voice based on your site's design and typefaces, and on the service you offer - whether it needs the formal tone of a prestige brand, or the quirkier voice of a 'friendly' company keen to put itself on a level with its customers.
Contact me on the details below if you're curious to know more - my rates are competitive, I'm very friendly, and I don't charge for consultations.