
So, this morning I received the below enquiry via this blog. Some of it makes sense - some of it - but the rest is a total mystery to me...


I'm an assistant for an entrepreneur who runs a successful direct response company. He's given me the task of finding capable direct response topguns that aren't charging for their fame, but for their profit-pulling skills.

The very first filter is an account of previous results. We can verify references later if we choose to take it further. I am going to need some specific numbers from you attained from your previous projects.

Can you work with me here? You don't need to give me client names but I do need you to give me the numbers you've achieved in your first response to me. He is prepared to hire 3-5 of the very best, so if you know other copywriters at least as good as yourself, do point me towards them also.

We are also endeavoring to make your lives a lot easier by gathering a lot of information that will speed up your research process. This includes text/media ads of competitors, pros/cons of their own products, background information on up to 100 real people that are representatives of the target market, as well as a lot of data and research gathered based on the product itself.


I can't help thinking I'm much more likely to end up with my numbers being included in their 'background information ... of the target market' than I am to make it through to the next 'filter'...